Map Monday, Which US States Report the most Ghost Sightings?

A ghost is the spirit or soul of a dead person that retains a connection to the world of the living. They’re typically described as barely visible wispy versions of their living selves. Besides ghosts, they’re also referred to as phantoms, apparitions, specters, spooks, spirits, shades, and numerous other names…. Read more“Map Monday, Which US States Report the most Ghost Sightings?”

You can help an unknown author (hint-me) become a Best-Seller

Best-seller, the goal of every author. In the dim and distant past (before the internet), a best-seller was crowned by the likes of the NYTimes, the USA Today, and various trade and genre groups. While based on sales, the rankings were greatly impacted by the connections between publishers, reviewers, and… Read more“You can help an unknown author (hint-me) become a Best-Seller”