Map Monday, which countries control the world’s minerals

The distribution of the minerals and resources has played a leading role in the development and growth of human civilizations.  The four original cradles of civilization in Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, and China relied on water.  Without ready access to the Nile, Tigris & Euphrates, Indus, and Yellow rivers, it’s hard… Read more“Map Monday, which countries control the world’s minerals”

Interweaving cradles of history into YA fantasy

As a history buff, particularly ancient history, I’ve always been especially interested in the empires and cultures that started it all.  I don’t mean to downplay the important influence of Greece, Persia, the independent New World centers of Norte Chico and the Olmec, or any of the many other civilizations. … Read more“Interweaving cradles of history into YA fantasy”