Happy New Year & Welcome to my new site – armenpogharian.com

happy_new_year_2015My apologies for being a little early with my New Year’s greetings.  I wanted to explain the changes I’ve made with my blog.  The big news is – I’ve upgraded from a single blog page to an entire website!  Now instead of inter-mixing my occasionally inane observations about writing, history, and science with my book reviews, personal oddities, and appeals to look at my own books on a single page you have an entire site to read or ignore as you see fit.

Old Posts

For those of you who may have unwittingly allowed yourselves to appear in one of my posts or perhaps out of sympathy commented on a post or two, have no fear.  Your transgressions against common sense have been preserved on the new site for any interested party to read.  That’s right; as you’ve always heard (and no doubt feared) nothing posted on the internet really goes away.  After a few hiccups, I think I’ve managed to tease the proper behavior out of WordPress and Google’s SEO spirits.  All queries that result in links to the old blog should bring you to the proper post here.

Celtic TriskeleI even figured out how to give the site its own unique symbol.  I chose the triskele from Duncan’s amulet in the Misaligned series (sorry for the shameless book plug, well not really).  Not bad for a middle-aged former electrical engineer whose technical prowess peaked with 555 timers, the 8086 microprocessor, and some wicked Fortran 77 programs.  If they don’t work, or lead somewhere less enticing, by all means please let me know with a comment below.  I’ll check my variable specifications and look for infinite do-loops.

As for subscribers to my old blog site, I’m not entirely sure if your subscriptions have completely transferred.  If they haven’t, or if somehow you’ve stumbled on this and find yourself inexplicably drawn to the content, please feel free to re-subscribe.

That’s really it.  Once again welcome to my new site!  As always I appreciate your patience and thanks for reading.


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