Prophecy, Popular & Powerful Plot Device for YA Fantasy

Prophecies have always been powerful tools for building tension and interest in a story. When done well they create mystery, intrigue and even misdirection, but I’m getting ahead of things. At the risk of offending Mr. Taylor or other English teachers, I need to define what I mean by prophecy… Read more“Prophecy, Popular & Powerful Plot Device for YA Fantasy”

Why do adults write and read YA Fantasy?

When people find out I’m a published author there’s no mistaking the surprised (especially if they know me) and dare I say impressed look on their faces.  It’s a powerful form of feedback that I freely admit warms my soul.  Fear not, like Frosty in the Greenhouse, the fleeting excitement… Read more“Why do adults write and read YA Fantasy?”

What do prime numbers & a YA fantasy have in common?

I’ve participated in several author interviews for other blogs. My most recent is with Morgen in the UK at, Morgen’s Author Interviews.  One question that often comes up is to name something quirky about my writing.  While there are many quirks in any author’s writing, especially one such as me,… Read more“What do prime numbers & a YA fantasy have in common?”