Map Monday, Alphabets and writing systems of the World

How often do you think about alphabets and the complexity of writing words on paper (or screens)?  In one of my previous blog posts I wrote about the under-appreciation of the written word.  Some of you may erroneously make a connection between my frequent themes of under-appreciation and my own… Read more“Map Monday, Alphabets and writing systems of the World”

Map Monday, What’s everyone’s favorite sport?

Obviously that’s a difficult question.  For some it depends on the season.  In the winter it’s skiing (Nordic or Alpine?) and in the summer it might be baseball.  There’s also the question of what constitutes a sport.  I have no intention of wading into those waters – at least not… Read more“Map Monday, What’s everyone’s favorite sport?”

My love of maps and how to make your own fantasy map

This will come as no surprise to regular readers of this blog, I’m somewhat of a nerd.  Not your run of the mill duct-taped glasses, pocket protector, plaid shorts wearing super computer nerd, no I’m a map nerd.  I’ve always had a fascination with maps.  I don’t really know why. … Read more“My love of maps and how to make your own fantasy map”