Map Monday, Maps of food a different take

What could possibly possess me to feature maps made out of food?  It’s a good question that if you’ve got enough time to be reading Map Monday will probably interest you.  As the astute among you have no doubt discerned one of the hardest parts of this blog is finding… Read more“Map Monday, Maps of food a different take”

Map Monday, Australia a truly continental country

Australia contains many amazing things.  It’s natural wonders include Ayers Rock/Uluru, the Great Barrier Reef, and the Bungle Bungles.  Cut-off from the rest of the world’s major land masses it’s home to some of the most exotic life on the planet.  Besides marsupial kangaroos, koalas, and wombats it also features… Read more“Map Monday, Australia a truly continental country”

Map Monday, Gerrymandering US states for equal population

Gerrymandering is the art of drawing political boundaries to benefit one group over another.  In the US it applies to both local and national electoral districts.  Under the US Constitution the states create their own districts, but must adhere to federal law and court rulings.  The term Gerrymander comes from… Read more“Map Monday, Gerrymandering US states for equal population”