Why so few Female lead roles in YA fantasy?

As any of you who’ve been brave (or bored) enough to read my bio know, J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit was the first book that I truly enjoyed.  If not for The Hobbit, I wouldn’t have become a lifelong reader.  Tolkien’s work also inspired me to inflict my writing on others. … Read more“Why so few Female lead roles in YA fantasy?”

As authors and readers do we really appreciate the written word?

The written word, at least for those of us living in the wealthier societies, is nearly ubiquitous.  In addition to books, newspapers, and the computer screen you’re reading right now, you can find words wherever you look.  They’re on billboards, food packages, cell phones, and t-shirts.  Less conventional locations include… Read more“As authors and readers do we really appreciate the written word?”

Review of Let’s Get Visible by David Gaughran

Gaughran’s Let’s Get Visible offers a tour de force of the state of selling e-books as an indie publisher.  He does a very good job explaining the various ins and outs of the much misunderstood Amazon algorithms and the essentials of genre selection.  You may not be a left-brained engineer… Read more“Review of Let’s Get Visible by David Gaughran”