The Counterfeit Count (Warders Book 2)

The Counterfeit CountOverview for The Counterfeit Count – Adara dreams of joining the Warders, a secret society that protects Eridan. During her field exam in allied Creuse, she spies her trainer Geren, attacking local guards. Is it part of her test? To find out she enters the dangerous world of Creusean politics with two runaway children, as guides.  Alerted by the Eridani thieves’ guild of foul play, the Warders dispatch Adara’s friends, veteran agent Draham and half-elven Toran, on a mission to save the alliance and if possible rescue Adara and Geren. Will they be forced to choose between their sworn duty and their friends?

Review for The Counterfeit Count

The character development [of The Counterfeit Count] has a maturity that grows at the right pace.  I fell in love with the strong Adara without realizing it had happened.  The vibrancy of the rich characters and mellifluous beauty of the forest feel as real as the dungeons feel cold.  With the subtlety of an experienced YA author, Pogharian brings a vivid world into creation.  While being mindful of his readers, he does not underestimate them.  As someone who would stay up all night with a flashlight under the covers, I would not have been willing to put this engaging world out of my mind until I had devoured it. ~ Elissa Dill

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