Map Monday, What’s the funniest town name in each state?

What is the funniest town name in each US state? With no real rules for naming a town in the US it’s no surprise that there are some odd ones. Given this is Map Monday, of course there’s a map for them. In a change of pace for Map Monday, I’ll share the map first and provide comments below. Note this is not in response to complaints about having to read through my drivel before ‘getting to the good stuff.’ That said, this map comes courtesy of Estately.

Funniest town names in each state

Funniest Town Name Awards
Best Marketing Job

First Place: Jackpot, NV. To be fair I’m not sure where in the state Jackpot is, but that’s part of the genius in the name.

Runner-up: Waterproof, LA. In a state known for river and storm flooding, Waterproof is a winner.

Worst Marketing Job

First Place:  Booger Hole, WV. Local folklore ties the name to the town’s crime infested history. In 1917 crime reached a crisis with a dozen murders. Playing on that past the town draws many ghost-hunters. Perhaps the name should reflect that history (sad as it is), rather than what my children cutely called ‘nose-goo.’

Runner-up: Mosquitoville, VT. Naming your town after a blood-sucking disease transmitting insect, earns an award for poor marketing. Unless the founders were the ultimate believers in reverse psychology.

Most Ironic Award

Dummer, NH and Smartt, TN.

Least Exciting Names

Boring, OR and Dull, OH.

New home for the Kardashians?

Big Bottom, WA.

Better Choice Award

Pennsylvania. Sure, Coupon, PA is a funny name, but is it really more deserving than Intercourse, PA?

Share your funniest town name awards in the comments below.

As always thanks for reading.


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