Updated Book Review Page

As long time readers of this blog and fans of my books know, I’ve never been particularly shy about asking (begging, cajoling, or pestering?) for a book review.  Feedback helps everyone improve and in the publishing world reviews are the gold standard.  While reviews are important to every author, they’re… Read more“Updated Book Review Page”

My review of “Black Diamond” by Jennifer Loiske

“Black Diamond” by Jennifer Loiske, is a slightly dark paranormal story.  However it contains several unique elements enabling it to stand out in the crowded genre. While it is primarily a tale of good vs. evil, it is also one about loss, betrayal, and discovery. These elements allow Ms. Loiske… Read more“My review of “Black Diamond” by Jennifer Loiske”

What’s the fascination with Atlantis?

The mystery of Atlantis begins with Plato’s dialogues Timaeus and Critias.  He asserts that Atlantis was destroyed in a single day after a failed attempt to conquer Athens.  His tale sparked a two thousand year search for the lost continent.  Despite Plato’s militaristic potrayal of the Atlanteans, most references depict… Read more“What’s the fascination with Atlantis?”