Interview with Multi-genre Author D.B. Woodling

Welcome to my blog interviews with novelists, poets, short story authors, scriptwriters, biographers, and anyone else involved in the story creation process. Today’s is with author D.B. WOODLING. Armen: Hello, D. B. WOODLING. Please tell us something about yourself. D.B. WOODLING:  I am the often emotionally drained and passionately determined… Read more“Interview with Multi-genre Author D.B. Woodling”

Updated Book Review Page

As long time readers of this blog and fans of my books know, I’ve never been particularly shy about asking (begging, cajoling, or pestering?) for a book review.  Feedback helps everyone improve and in the publishing world reviews are the gold standard.  While reviews are important to every author, they’re… Read more“Updated Book Review Page”

Why do adults write and read YA Fantasy?

When people find out I’m a published author there’s no mistaking the surprised (especially if they know me) and dare I say impressed look on their faces.  It’s a powerful form of feedback that I freely admit warms my soul.  Fear not, like Frosty in the Greenhouse, the fleeting excitement… Read more“Why do adults write and read YA Fantasy?”