What’s the fascination with Atlantis?

The mystery of Atlantis begins with Plato’s dialogues Timaeus and Critias.  He asserts that Atlantis was destroyed in a single day after a failed attempt to conquer Athens.  His tale sparked a two thousand year search for the lost continent.  Despite Plato’s militaristic potrayal of the Atlanteans, most references depict… Read more“What’s the fascination with Atlantis?”

Mummies in YA fiction, beyond a popular Halloween costume

I’ve never really been a big Halloween person.  Oh I loved it as a kid – what’s not to like about wearing fun costumes and getting free candy?  Not to get all preachy or overly philosophical, but now it’s just a bit too commercial for me.  Halloween’s the first in… Read more“Mummies in YA fiction, beyond a popular Halloween costume”

Interweaving a love of history and YA fantasy, part II

For those of you who’ve read a few of my previous posts you know that I’m a bit of a history nerd.  I’m not formally trained in any way, no degree or even a minor.  It’s just something that has always interested me.  I was the kind of kid who… Read more“Interweaving a love of history and YA fantasy, part II”