News and updates for the end of 2016

I want to take a quick moment to share some exciting news and updates about both the Misaligned and Warder series as well as additions to my appearance schedule. New Review First is a new review for Misaligned: The Celtic Connection. I’m particularly proud of this one as it comes… Read more“News and updates for the end of 2016”

Pre-release announcement for The Dragon’s Den, Warders Book 3

The Dragon’s Den, Book 3 in the YA-friendly Warders series, is now available for pre-ordering from SynergEbooks for just $4.88.  The Warders is a High Fantasy adventure series with James Bond-like action featuring the secret agents of the Warders and their arch-enemy the Chaotic Order. There are several advantages to… Read more“Pre-release announcement for The Dragon’s Den, Warders Book 3”

Reblog of my guest post about my path to publishing

I was recently asked to write a piece about my path to publishing for Steven Capp’s blog.  I have never met Steven in person, but our paths crossed while commenting on a Facebook writer’s thread. My guest post covers my many mistakes, lessons learned, and hopefully eases the path for… Read more“Reblog of my guest post about my path to publishing”