Map Monday, USDA Hardiness Zones for Climate Change

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) updated its plant hardiness zone scores in November 2023. This scale is one tool gardeners can use to determine if a plant can survive their region’s winter. The previous scores were based on temperature data from 1976 through 2005 and published in 2012. The… Read more“Map Monday, USDA Hardiness Zones for Climate Change”

Map Monday, Earthquakes, Causes, Facts, & Predictions

Earthquakes are caused by the sudden release of energy through the earth’s crust, which creates seismic waves. The disruption caused by these waves creates the shaking that most people associate with earthquakes. The US Geological Survey (USGS) estimates there are ~500,000 seismic events every year. Most of them are too… Read more“Map Monday, Earthquakes, Causes, Facts, & Predictions”

Map Monday, L’anse aux Meadows

L’anse aux Meadows, a Canadian National Historic Site in Newfoundland, contains the oldest evidence of European settlement in North America. Discovered in the 1960s, the site includes the remains of eight buildings with several lodges and carpentry facilities. Using the same techniques found in Scandinavia, the occupants also recovered local… Read more“Map Monday, L’anse aux Meadows”