Map Monday, Gerrymandering US states for equal population

Gerrymandering is the art of drawing political boundaries to benefit one group over another.  In the US it applies to both local and national electoral districts.  Under the US Constitution the states create their own districts, but must adhere to federal law and court rulings.  The term Gerrymander comes from… Read more“Map Monday, Gerrymandering US states for equal population”

Map Monday, Planets and the Enormity of Space

Virtually every map or picture you’ve ever seen of the planets in our solar system has had one glaring flaw – it hasn’t been to scale.  It’s not because we don’t know the proper scale.  Rather the interesting bits, the planets, moons, comets, and even the sun, are insignificantly small… Read more“Map Monday, Planets and the Enormity of Space”

Reblog of my guest post about my path to publishing

I was recently asked to write a piece about my path to publishing for Steven Capp’s blog.  I have never met Steven in person, but our paths crossed while commenting on a Facebook writer’s thread. My guest post covers my many mistakes, lessons learned, and hopefully eases the path for… Read more“Reblog of my guest post about my path to publishing”